The Music Ministry at Joy is focused on providing music that enhances every worship service, and coordinates with weekly scripture readings and/or themes for the day. Joy has ensembles for kids, youth, and adults which include Joy KidsJam, Voices of Joy Choir, Polished Brass handbells, and Praise Band. All of the ensembles welcome everyone, no auditions necessary. We'd love to have you join too! If you are interested in learning more or joining any of the music groups, please contact Joy's Music Director.


Praise Band

Praise Band provides music for worship on a regular basis at Joy. The band brings energy and musical leadership through the latest Christian songs, specialized Lutheran hymn arrangements that rock, and contemporary Christian classics. 

We welcome experienced high school and adult instrumentalists and vocalists to the band, so come and join us!

Rehearsals for Praise Band are on Sundays from Noon-1:30pm. Interested or need more info? Email Linda, Director of Music Ministry:

Voices of Joy

Voices of Joy Choir provides joyful musical leadership in our worship services. VOJ sings repertoire from a variety of choral styles; these include hymn arrangements, Spirituals, classic choral pieces, Gospel songs, and contemporary favorites.

We welcome anyone ages high school to adult who would like to come and experience the beauty of choral singing!

  • VOICES OF JOY REHEARSALS: Sunday from 9:15-10:15a in the sanctuary, beginning September 22nd.
  • Special Focus for Fall:Singing for our 50th anniversary worship, Sunday, October 30th!
  • What We Do: VOJ sings for worship, special events, and Christmas & Easter. VOJ also presents cantatas at times during Lent and Christmas, and occasionally an Advent service of Lessons & Carols.

Interested or need more info? Email Linda, Director of Music Ministry:

Polished Brass
  • REHEARSALS: Tuesdays from 6:30-8p in the sanctuary beginning September 13th
  • Special Focus for Fall:Playing for our 50th anniversary celebration worship on October 30th!
  • What We Do: Play for Sunday 8:00 & 10:30a worship once a month, and occasionally for our Saturday 5:30p service. Polished Brass also plays for holidays and special services.

Interested or need more info? Email Linda, Director of Music Ministry:

Joy KidsJam!

Joy KidsJam is for kids in grades K-5 and Assistant Directors in grades 6-12. KidsJam participates in both singing and playing instruments including hand chimes, percussion instruments, and bells. KidsJam puts on a Christmas musical in December, and participates in worship at other times during the year.

Rehearsals for Joy KidsJam are on Wednesdays from 4:30-5:30pm during times when we are actively preparing for our musical or other worship participation event. Interested or need more info? Email Linda, Director of Music Ministry:

2024 KidsJam Christmas Musical Info