Purpose sharing the good news of Jesus Christ is the heart of this committee.

Projects and Responsibilities

  • Hospitality at Joy
  • Visitor bags
  • Volunteer coordination for the Parker Events
  • Empower and support the congregation to participate in evangelism
  • Marketing for JLC worship services and special events
  • Use and create videos to promote events and ideas for sharing God's love


  • Meet the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM
  • Meetings are held via Zoom.
  • Subcommittees and volunteers for special projects meet at times determined by the people involved.
  • We are always looking for volunteers to compete projects at home or as a group.

Note: Now that we have your attention, we want you to know that evangelism is not scary or hard. Sometimes it is just being there for someone when they need us and showing them God’s love through us.