Sunday Morning Adult Education
Sundays at 9:15a

We will begin a new study on November 12th entitled “Understanding the New Testament." This 24-lecture series will be taught by Dr. David Brakke, the Joe R. Engle Chair in the History of Christianity and a Professor of History at The Ohio State University. Dr Brakke also has an MDiv from Harvard and a PhD from Yale. This study is not a linear progression of the New Testament but rather, a subject-driven approach geared toward understanding the book as a whole. Everyone is welcome to sit in the Adult Education Room (adjacent to the fellowship hall) during the Sunday education hour. You might want to bring your Bibles for this one...and, of course, your coffee!

Women's Bible Study
Meet Wednesdays 9:30AM

Our start date is September 20th! We begin at 9:30a and end at 11:00a. All women are welcome to join in reading Scripture, lively discussion, fellowship, and learning.

View Past Study Videos
Men's Prayer Breakfast

The men's 6:30a prayer breakfast meets at the Egg and U restaurant on Mainstreet in Parker. The group gathers in the back meeting room the first and third Wednesday of every month, and all men are welcome.

Wednesday Evening Men's Study
Moses - In the Steps of the Reluctant Prophet

A new topic will begin Wednesday, November 29th, at 7p, following the Advent supper and service. All men are welcome to join us in the North Room (downstairs). Moses is the most important Jewish prophet and is traditionally credited with writing the Torah and with leading the Israelites out of Egypt and across the Red Sea. He was born during a time when Pharaoh ordered every male Hebrew to be drowned. His mother floats him down the Nile in a basket, where he is ultimately noticed by Pharaoh’s daughter who raises him in Pharaoh’s court. Come and hear the rest of the story...