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But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect. 
1 Peter 3:15

I recently made a move to a new company that was truly a God-given opportunity as I believe my purpose on this earth is to make a difference with as many as I can before I leave this earth.   With my previous company, I was hired right before the country was shut down due to the COVID pandemic and I was truly struggling because I am a people person which limited me to having interactions on Zoom or phone calls.  It’s just not the same as face-to-face engagements.  

My new position is coaching, mentoring young professionals in our industry and enlarge the footprint of the company that hired me, and when I get to do these three disciplines, I’m in my happy world. 

I had a one-on-one this past week with a man in his early 40’s who is definitely struggling in originating new business and to be honest, I don’t believe he will make it.  In the middle of our talk, he asked me, “Are you religious?”  I really don’t like the label “religious” as being religious to me is being pompous so I explained to him that I wouldn’t say I’m religious but that I’m a follower of Christ and he is the center of my life.  It was then he explained that he was raised Catholic but had given up on God years ago. My response was, “Well, God hasn’t given up on you and loves you very much.”  Tears welled up in his eyes as he never thought that God hadn’t given up on him.  

How could I ignore the comment he made about giving up on God? A good question to ask yourself, “How would you handle this opportunity?” 

Every Christian should be prepared for opportunities like this; open opportunities to share their faith.  But how? Here’s my suggestions:

  • Share your testimony in a way that will be easily understood by others,
  • Use your life experiences to share what Jesus Christ has done for you,
  • Learn to recognize opportunities to share your faith with others,
  • Pray for guidance from the Holy Spirit, let the other person voice his/he opinions, and listen for the opportunity to share without condemning. 
  • Say a prayer while they are there; asking God to help them through the struggles they are facing and that they learn to lean on God and his son Jesus Christ to be there when they reach out to them. 

Though most Christians do not have the gift of evangelism, all Christians should be prepared to define their faith anytime an opportunity arises to give the reason for their faith or explain why they are a follower of Christ. In fact, the Bible instructs us to be ready as in 1 Peter 3:15. 

Don’t shy away when opportunities come your way to share your hope and faith.  There’s a reason why we were put on this earth and that is to be a blessing and make a difference in those that we are in contact with.  We are seed-planters, the Holy Spirit will do the rest. 

Submitted by Tom N.